Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Beasts at Walsall

 37403 Ben Cruachan and 37667 Meldon Quarry Centenary pass Walsall on 05.08.99 on the 6G38 Chaddesden - Bescot ballast spoil empties. Both locos were RETB fitted and were in between working Cambrian ballast workings at this time. A long way from their West Highland outpost. Someone got in my way again!


GWR55 said...

Mean in green. Kick that old geezer off the platform !

mini guru said...

bet there were loads waitin at bescot. Double beasties


I had been to Bescot in the hope of seein them and popped onto Walsall by chance jus before I had to get to work. No one at Bescot, massive working in my view but a fairly regular working by other peoples standards!