Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ben down under

 37403 Ben Cruachan at New Street on 16.07.99 with the 1423 to Holyhead.  It waited here for about 15 minutes giving plenty of time to get off, get this shot and get back on. Wouldnt believe it could be a shot taken in the gloom of New Street...


GWR55 said...

Nice work, bet you got twitchy standing on that adjacent platform though...

mini guru said...

where is everyone ?


Yes, you always kept an eye on the clock to make sure you got back over in time! There were about 5 departures a day to Holyhead at this time from New Street so there was not as much interest as there would be now. 37403 only worked on these Holyheads for about 10 days or so.

GWR55 said...

the engine is perfectly placed in the sun ! what a good memory that pic must bring !